Are you prepared for your next appointment? When you think about that question, what comes to mind? For most of us we think about having all of the right forms, supplies, conditions set, presentation perfected and all of the little details that goes into a successful presentation and enrollment.
What about knowledge? What about research industry wide and specifically research about the audience you are about to be in front?
When you first come on board with us you are a licensed agent generally under the mentorship of someone who has come before you. Your primary job at that time is to memorize and learn basic principles to help you lay a solid foundation to begin to build a business. As you begin to become more competent your confidence level grows and you begin to spread your wings and do more and more own your own.
Does the need for education ever stop? The answer is NO! Continued education is a must in our business. The need to continually feed the mind is a primary function of your and my job.
I am always looking for information to pass on to you guys that I feel is helpful to our business. Just this morning I have come across some wonderful research on the myaflac web site.
Log onto the myaflac web site and under the topic of keeping current you will find the AFLAC Workforce Report.
Once you click on that it will bring up an overview with a link to a web site devoted to this report.
There is so much useful information in one place at your fingertips and I urge you to take time...during Non-RPA hours of study this material.
As you move from agent to advisor it is critical that you arm yourself with the necessary knowledge and information to keep current and bring value to your clients.
Below is a snap shot of what you will see....let me know if this helps:)))
Aflac WorkForces Report
The Aflac WorkForces Report is an in-depth examination of trends and attitudes about employee benefits from the perspectives of decision-makers and workers at businesses of all sizes and in numerous industries. The annual report, conducted in partnership with leading market researcher Harris Interactive, provides a comprehensive look at employer and employee opinions, satisfaction, wants and needs when it comes to workplace benefits. The insights help businesses make informed decisions about benefits and enable them to better protect employees and their financial bottom lines.
Find report highlights at
from the desk of Cathy Lee:
messages to my team...
The Volcano Region

"This Baby's about to erupt"
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Team Epic....The Volcano Region

Sometimes it's all in a name.....seriously two years ago we went from the Mountaineers of Florida East....the team that was on the move, to Team Epic...a grand team of epic proportions....during that transition I watched our folks step up and go from #5 in the state to finishing 2009 in the #1 spot...then aflac introduced the "fast forward" theme for 2010...we were poised as a team to accept that fast forward challenge and remain on was the plan... but as you know sometimes you have adjust your plans and sometimes your plans have to adjust you....mid year this team was asked to adjust....we were asked to welcome our friends the "tiger team" into our operation and continue to grow as an epic was a no brainier for me...of course I would welcome them...I couldn't think of a better group of people to merge with our team...I knew what the downside would be.... sometimes to move forward you must take a couple of steps back and readjust then move forward...that's what we've done as a team....we have readjusted....we are now in perfect position to move into 2011 together, "Turn It Up" and reclaim our #1 spot...
Don't get me wrong I don't like being in 5Th place this year but the most awesome news is we are not stuck there....we have done what we needed and now we are ready to go....
Heading into this years kickoff meeting I want each of you to remember in my book you guys are in 1st place....we stepped up and accepted the challenge... I am proud of this team....please do not feel anything less that the winners you are... people are watching and talking about us and how good our indicators look for 2011.....
One of the most exciting prospect of 2011 is our National Convention....every 5 years aflac goes to Hawaii in style... this is the each have a chance to be there with the best team in the country...
One of the most exciting prospect of 2011 is our National Convention....every 5 years aflac goes to Hawaii in style... this is the each have a chance to be there with the best team in the country...
It will take hard work, focus, dedication and commitment....
I was asked to think of a name that represented both our team and the essence of Hawaii.
A name that could brand us this year to let everyone know we are focused on this goal....
The name that keeps coming to mind is "Volcano"....when I think of a Volcano I think of energy, explosion, transformation, hot lava...heat on the pavement and gaining ground one step at a time....that pretty much sums us up....
We are still Team Epic but this year our new brand is....
The Volcano Region..."this baby is about to erupt"....
I hope you like it because it embodies us as a team.....
I have posted pics of our Christmas party yesterday....It was awesome to spend time with you all having fun....congratulations to our big contest winners...Paul Black, Shae Reilly and Ken Arnold...Store Front winner Vanessa Reynoso and SNG Via Winner Mark Hendrix...
Remember begining the 1st week January our $1500 SNG computer giveaway starts.... you will need 5 new accounts validated and 2 nominations that come for interview in the month of January to get your name in the hat.....someone will win and it could be you!!!!
I have posted pics of our Christmas party yesterday....It was awesome to spend time with you all having fun....congratulations to our big contest winners...Paul Black, Shae Reilly and Ken Arnold...Store Front winner Vanessa Reynoso and SNG Via Winner Mark Hendrix...
Remember begining the 1st week January our $1500 SNG computer giveaway starts.... you will need 5 new accounts validated and 2 nominations that come for interview in the month of January to get your name in the hat.....someone will win and it could be you!!!!
Friday, June 25, 2010
It's My Life"
In the words of the great poet Jon Bon Jovi...
It's my life
It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just wanna live while I'm alive
(It's my life)
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frankie said, "I did it my way"
I just wanna live while I'm alive
'Cause it's my life....
Besides being one of my all time favorite songs...the lyrics of this song just makes sense...It is my life...or your life...doesn't it make sense to live while your alive....okay bear with me for a moment...I know you are thinking "what's she smoking this week???" Seriously.. how much of our time do we really spend living....On Monday's we are wishing for Friday and on Friday most of us are dreading Monday already again....we live in a world of schedules, obligations and commitments, many of which have absolutely nothing to do with living our life, our dream and our purpose....when was the last time that you took a time out to do something crazy, wild , fun and absolutely for yourself?? If you are like me it has been awhile...what was it that you liked to do as a kid? What gets your heart pumping and puts a smile on your face?
If you knew this was your very last day on earth what would you do? I am sure the obvious answer would be to spend it with your family but what else would you do?
I am not suggesting that you spend each and every day goofing off like a kid and having fun...that won't pay the I am suggesting that you give yourself a break...a time out of sorts...what I have found when I do this I have a renewed energy to handle all the necessary things I have to do... even more than that I look forward to them...By giving yourself a "time out" it will allow your "time in" to be more productive....there is a new trend that I love and it is a stay cation...many families are doing it for economical reasons but I think it is great for even more reasons...Many of us spend so much time and money in making our homes a nice place to live but when we have the opportunity to take some time off and enjoy it...we bolt and head for the hills...or the beach...or the theme park or just about anywhere besides the place we have worked so hard to make nice....this time of year especially we would rather fill up the tank with high priced gas, jump on the busy interstate and head for a crowded place and spend tons of money...don't get me wrong I like trips as much or more than the next person but when I return many times I feel like I need another vacation....I am not suggesting you cancel your summer trip but maybe you could have a one day stay cation in your home...just a something fun, unexpected, surprise yourself, reward yourself, take a quick time out and then get back to work.....remember...
It's my life
It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just wanna live while I'm alive
(It's my life)
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frankie said, "I did it my way"
I just wanna live while I'm alive
'Cause it's my life.
It's my life
It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just wanna live while I'm alive
(It's my life)
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frankie said, "I did it my way"
I just wanna live while I'm alive
'Cause it's my life....
Besides being one of my all time favorite songs...the lyrics of this song just makes sense...It is my life...or your life...doesn't it make sense to live while your alive....okay bear with me for a moment...I know you are thinking "what's she smoking this week???" Seriously.. how much of our time do we really spend living....On Monday's we are wishing for Friday and on Friday most of us are dreading Monday already again....we live in a world of schedules, obligations and commitments, many of which have absolutely nothing to do with living our life, our dream and our purpose....when was the last time that you took a time out to do something crazy, wild , fun and absolutely for yourself?? If you are like me it has been awhile...what was it that you liked to do as a kid? What gets your heart pumping and puts a smile on your face?
If you knew this was your very last day on earth what would you do? I am sure the obvious answer would be to spend it with your family but what else would you do?
I am not suggesting that you spend each and every day goofing off like a kid and having fun...that won't pay the I am suggesting that you give yourself a break...a time out of sorts...what I have found when I do this I have a renewed energy to handle all the necessary things I have to do... even more than that I look forward to them...By giving yourself a "time out" it will allow your "time in" to be more productive....there is a new trend that I love and it is a stay cation...many families are doing it for economical reasons but I think it is great for even more reasons...Many of us spend so much time and money in making our homes a nice place to live but when we have the opportunity to take some time off and enjoy it...we bolt and head for the hills...or the beach...or the theme park or just about anywhere besides the place we have worked so hard to make nice....this time of year especially we would rather fill up the tank with high priced gas, jump on the busy interstate and head for a crowded place and spend tons of money...don't get me wrong I like trips as much or more than the next person but when I return many times I feel like I need another vacation....I am not suggesting you cancel your summer trip but maybe you could have a one day stay cation in your home...just a something fun, unexpected, surprise yourself, reward yourself, take a quick time out and then get back to work.....remember...
It's my life
It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just wanna live while I'm alive
(It's my life)
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frankie said, "I did it my way"
I just wanna live while I'm alive
'Cause it's my life.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Happy St Patricks Day...almost
Sorry it has been awhile since I have posted. Instead of me talking to you all tonight I have copied and pasted a blog from an incredible speaker, motivator and person...Darren Hardy.
I read this as part of his 10 years to you best life study I have been doing and he is right on. There really is no need for me to say anymore other than I hope you get something out of this that you can use and apply to your life:)
The Irish aren’t the only ones who have the lucky charm.
Do you think you are lucky—or unlucky? Your luck lies in whether you believe you are or not. You have to believe in luck to see it, and to realize it.
When I met Richard Branson, I asked if he felt luck played a part in his success. He answered, “Yes, of course, we are all lucky. If you live in a free society, you are lucky. Luck surrounds us every day; we are constantly having lucky things happen to us, whether you recognize it or not. I have not been any more lucky or unlucky than anyone else. The difference is when luck came my way, I took advantage of it.”
“I have not been any more lucky or unlucky than anyone else. The difference is when luck came my way, I took advantage of it.” —Richard Branson
Ah, there it is… told to you straight by Sir Richard.
The old adage we hear too often, “Luck is when opportunity meets preparation,” isn’t enough. I think there are two other critical components to “getting lucky.”
The (Complete) Formula for Getting Lucky: Preparation (personal growth) + Attitude (belief/mindset) + Opportunity (luck) + Action (doing something about it) = Getting Lucky
Preparation: You must constantly improve and prepare yourself—improve your skills, knowledge, expertise, relationships and resources—so that when luck strikes, you have the wherewithal to take advantage of it.
Attitude: This is where luck evades most people. As Sir Richard says, lucky things happen to all of us all the time, but that isn’t true unless you orient yourself to see situations, conversations and circumstances as fortuitous. As with most things in life, it begins with a mindset or an attitude. You cannot see what you don’t look for, and you cannot look for what you don’t believe in.
Opportunity: You can make your own luck, but the luck we are discussing here is those things you don’t plan for, or happened even better, faster or differently than expected. In this stage of the formula, it’s best not to force luck. Just let what happens happen, what shows up show up… let luck come to you. And it will—it does every day.
Action: This is your part of the deal. With the universe, God, the Lucky Charms leprechaun, whomever or whatever you associate delivering the luck just presented to you, it is now your job to act on it. This is what will separate the Richard Bransons from the Joseph Wallingtons. Who is Joseph Wallington? Exactly, you’ve never heard of him. That’s because he didn’t do anything about all the equally lucky things that happened to him.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Where have the good times gone????

"Where have the good times gone"? As that question rolls off my tongue, the answer to the question rolls off even faster..."THEY ARE BACK!"
I don't know about all of you but I haven't felt like much fun lately...not sure if is the grey sky above my head or the grey matter between my ears but something has been getting me down and now it's time to get it back up. My new Mantra, theme and daily battle cry now is to "just add fun". Yes we all need to continue to work but if you are like me your brain is already programmed to do that. It seems that almost automatically without fail or end in site, work is all that I do. Work is all I think about, even when I am not working I am thinking about working. What I have been missing is the fun. I somehow have forgot how much fun my work can be. While others seem to be trapped in a predictable everyday existence my day is full of adventure. These pictures I have posted here are just a small reminder of how much fun we can have together. I feel lucky and blessed everyday to be able to do what I do In my job .I never know who will walk through my door or who's door I will walk through. everyday I am guaranteed it will be different from the day before. Everyday I have the opportunity to meet people, influence people, learn from people and by my own actions determine how much money I will make now and in the future. I just don't know if it gets any better than this. I remind myself that my worst day here has been better than my best day anywhere else.
So how do we have fun again... Well for me I am going to stop focusing on things I cannot change. I will stop directing all of my energy to the destination and I will enjoy the journey. I have read the "Good Book" and I understand that none of us will get out of here alive so we may as well enjoy each day that we are here. In life there is birth and there is death but the true living is what you do everyday in between. Let's face it whether we work here or somewhere else, the fact is most of us must work doing something...we may as well have fun along the way...tomorrow remember..."just add fun"!!!!!!!.......(I had to sneak one pic of my three beautiful grandsons in here...I am "just having fun")
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