The Volcano Region

The Volcano Region
"This Baby's about to erupt"

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My upside down day!!!

Have you ever just had one of those days??? You get out of bed and everything seems normal. It seems like it's just another day and then it begins... You get a cup of coffee and it's not quite warm enough so to make it perfect you put it in the microwave. With anticipation you smell the aroma as the cup rises towards your mouth and then when just when its close enough you can taste it, the cat that you couldn't live without, decides that at that very moment there is nothing he wants more in life than to be in your lap. The freshly brewed, then microwaved for extra heat , coffee that you were about to enjoy is now all over the newly pressed shirt you were planning to wear...not to mention the red marks from you favorite cup of coffee that is now running down your hands, arms and just about everywhere.
It didn't strike me then but somewhere there must have been a comedian laughing and saying "here's your sign"'s going to be one of those
Well I am happy to say it did get better...pretty uneventful actually..until I got back to the office that is.
You know I am pretty good a being prepared for things. I am kind of anal about it actually. I will work for days ,sometime weeks perfecting a plan or a presentation. I will write rough drafts, gather data, have organized thoughts and then when I am finally ready I put all the pieces together to create what is to me, my masterpiece of the moment.
Today it was my business plan. Okay I know what you are thinking ,why didn't you already have your plan completed??? Besides, I asked you all to turn in your plans over a week ago. Well I did...but in my own particular fashion, I decided I would make it better, tweak it just a little, give just a bit of the "Cathy" flavor. Actually I guess you could say I wanted to drees it up in cha cha heels so it could walk just a little taller.
You can probably guess that the hex that was haunting me in the morning, the one I thought was long gone, suddenly appeared again. The document was perfect...just my style with all the confidence a plan needs for the 10Th anniversary year of the, save, smile and, smile, print, click not smile, print, click, panic, print. Nothing was happening. Okay I admit, I am somewhat challenged with technology but even I know when you click, save and hit print. What I am looking at on my screen is supposed to magically come through perfectly on my printer. I even called in reinforcements...that didn't help matters either. On the my usually friendly printer is spitting out papers at me with a vengeance. I think it was possessed....literally. Have no fear being the technical wizard I am, I hit some button (I have no idea which one) and it printed out beautifully, magically just like it was supposed to in the beginning.
It was almost ticking 5 o'clock and I had a couple more items I had to get off my desk. Tapping away at the computer, the keys on my keyboard began sticking. My bright idea was maybe I should take the batteries out and put them back in really fast in hopes that it would magically start working again.
I flipped it over, took out the batteries and put them back in....when I flipped the keyboard back over something unexplained computer desktop (well the view anyway) at that moment turned upside down... I glared at it for a second almost in was the strangest thing I seen lately. My start button was not upside down at the top of my screen and when I typed everything was opposite of of how it was supposed to be. Now I am sure I am not the only person this has happened to. I am sure there is an explanation but at that moment with the clock ticking away and with two things I really needed to complete, I had to make a choice. Either I walk away and leave it for another day or I sit, stare and become increasingly frustrated. I could try and complete a "right side up" job with an "upside down" attitude. It was at that moment a tough choice had to be made. I really wanted to finish the work...the fact is I NEEDED to finish the work but what I realized was if I forced myself to keep going when all signs were pointing to stop, The job I would have ultimately completed, would have been incomplete.
I know that you've had those kind of days. What job have you tried to do when you really had no business doing least not in that moment anyway. I have always said it is better to take the time to get in the right frame of mind so you can go out and do your work and represent us at your best...I found out today just how hard that advice is to actually take. I took it, I walked away, I called it a day and I challenge you to do the same...God permitting tomorrow is another. The work we must do will still be there waiting for us, like an old friend, it will be there. The difference will be us...we will approach it with joy and pride not as a task that we just need to check off our list.
Good night and God bless!!!

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