One of the most tragic fables I remember reading as a child was the Goose That Laid the Golden Egg.
I can remember feeling sad that people would be so greedy they would kill the poor goose just to get more eggs...I didn't really understand then, sometimes human nature means we always want more. Don't hear me wrong, I believe wanting more is great as longs as it is in the "right" spirit and you are willing to do the work the "right " way in order to get it.
I have always said I would rather have the goose that may lay an occasional golden egg than a basket full of golden eggs. You would eventually run through all of the eggs in the basket but if you had the goose you would always have the hope of it laying one more egg.
How can we relate this to our business? We can think of our self as the goose. With the right nourishment(training), the right conditions(activity) and the right inner peace(attitude) we have the ability to lay gold every day.
I was speaking to a good friend of mine last night that is an aflac associate in Brandon Fl. I recruited her from a church group we were both in about 5 years ago. She and her husband owned a Lawn Care business at the time and neither of them had ever been in sales. Like many of you, I saw in her the characteristics I knew could make her successful here at aflac. Fast forward to now she and her husband are both successful with aflac. This year alone they have opened and validated over 20 new accounts. I asked her last night how she did it and she laughed...She said you wouldn't believe how many people have called this year to ask us that...She said from the very beginning when I recruited her until now she didn't know much about sales, working with large account or working with brokers...what she did know was how to work, how to walk and how to talk...She said that is all her team does every day. They work, walk and talk aflac and concentrate on small businesses. she loves small business because you can walk right in a speak with the decision maker. She said where most people are calling on 15 man groups and higher they are calling on the 3-15 person accounts...They pick an area and pull the list from reference USA or sales genie and call on every account in that area...if they have aflac they ask for the name of the contact next door and try and get a possible referral.
I am so proud that I have had a small hand in her career...I knew when I hired her all those years ago she was the "goose"
I believe you are too...Bubba has a new saying this year..."Win and move on". If you have laid a golden egg lately...celebrate the win, move on and lay another one. Remember you are the "goose" so how many golden eggs will you lay this week?
Good luck and God bless!
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