The Volcano Region

The Volcano Region
"This Baby's about to erupt"

Friday, June 25, 2010

It's My Life"

In the words of the great poet Jon Bon Jovi...
It's my life
It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just wanna live while I'm alive

(It's my life)
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frankie said, "I did it my way"
I just wanna live while I'm alive
'Cause it's my life....
Besides being one of my all time favorite songs...the lyrics of this song just makes sense...It is my life...or your life...doesn't it make sense to live while your alive....okay bear with me for a moment...I know you are thinking "what's she smoking this week???" Seriously.. how much of our time do we really spend living....On Monday's we are wishing for Friday and on Friday most of us are dreading Monday already again....we live in a world of schedules, obligations and commitments, many of which have absolutely nothing to do with living our life, our dream and our purpose....when was the last time that you took a time out to do something crazy, wild , fun and absolutely for yourself?? If you are like me it has been awhile...what was it that you liked to do as a kid? What gets your heart pumping and puts a smile on your face?
If you knew this was your very last day on earth what would you do? I am sure the obvious answer would be to spend it with your family but what else would you do?
I am not suggesting that you spend each and every day goofing off like a kid and having fun...that won't pay the I am suggesting that you give yourself a break...a time out of sorts...what I have found when I do this I have a renewed energy to handle all the necessary things I have to do... even more than that I look forward to them...By giving yourself a "time out" it will allow your "time in" to be more productive....there is a new trend that I love and it is a stay cation...many families are doing it for economical reasons but I think it is great for even more reasons...Many of us spend so much time and money in making our homes a nice place to live but when we have the opportunity to take some time off and enjoy it...we bolt and head for the hills...or the beach...or the theme park or just about anywhere besides the place we have worked so hard to make nice....this time of year especially we would rather fill up the tank with high priced gas, jump on the busy interstate and head for a crowded place and spend tons of money...don't get me wrong I like trips as much or more than the next person but when I return many times I feel like I need another vacation....I am not suggesting you cancel your summer trip but maybe you could have a one day stay cation in your home...just a something fun, unexpected, surprise yourself, reward yourself, take a quick time out and then get back to work.....remember...
It's my life
It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just wanna live while I'm alive

(It's my life)
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frankie said, "I did it my way"
I just wanna live while I'm alive
'Cause it's my life.